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Northern Turners is a club catering to people with an interest in quality woodturning and offers
assistance, advice, encouragement to all members from beginner to professional. It provides
opportunities to meet and talk, to learn new skills, and to share experiences with like-minded people.

Meeting Format

The main (fourth) Saturday meeting usually includes:
a general meeting providing information on past and planned club activities and opportunities. The October meeting is the AGM.
a demonstration, either by a club member or an invited guest, which covers some aspect of woodturning, finishing, or some related workshop practice. The demonstration is supported by large screen TV and audio, enabling the usually large audience to see and hear clearly. Questions are discussed. Some demonstrations are video recorded and may be downloaded in the following weeks or borrowed from the library after that.
A Show & Tell session in which members display their latest creations and receive criticism and advice,
Lunch (byo) during which much social and technical discussion takes place.

The format varies for the second and third Saturday meetings. The third Saturday usually includes a demonstration and Show & Tell, but is targeted for the less experienced members with more emphasis on teaching basic skills. Members are encouraged to use the club lathes to practise what has been demonstrated.

The second Saturday has a less formal structure, with experienced members on hand to assist the less experienced with their projects or to help with particular difficulties.

Helpful assistance.

Using the school property is very convenient but requires equipment to be removed from and returned to storage at the end of the session. Members usually help set up equipment for meetings and assist with the cleanup and putting away. This assistance is appreciated.


Northern Turners does not provide basic training in wood turning but can advise new members on courses that are available. In addition, while professional training is recommended, it is not a prerequisite and any member will be assisted if requested.